
We offer programs for children from 3 to 6 years old

The Primary Classroom serves children ages 3 to 6 years old. Our program allows your child to become the advanced, motivated learner he/she was meant to be. The Montessori curriculum is divided into 3 year cycles. Students ideally enter the Primary Classroom at age three and begin simple lessons. Gradually, more complex lessons are presented as each child progresses at their own pace. The child’s natural curiosity and interests provide an intrinsic motivation for purposeful work.

Kindergarten – What a Year! Every child deserves to enjoy the benefits of a Montessori education especially in the Kindergarten year. In the third year of the Primary Classroom, a Kindergartener has become a confident, knowledgeable leader among his peers. He has come to love learning and finds it an exciting challenge. Many students go on to join the ‘Gifted Program’ in public school and work at a higher grade level. 

Exciting, Engaging, Educational Fun! That’s what science should be for kids. At American Montessori Prep we’ve designed an environment that explores science, technology, engineering and math lessons in a creative and stimulating way. Our aim is to introduce concepts and skills in a structured, logical format building a strong foundation of interconnected principles. Students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Music can be a gateway to language and a guide to that profound place where one finds the peace of  silence.   Music should be a key part of early childhood learning and at our school we have fun with song and dance. We incorporate the ORFF Schulwerk method into our music program as children create their own musical experiences using xylophones, metallophones and rhythm instruments.

“Look mommy, it’s a Renoir!”

Children in the Montessori environment are given lessons in art appreciation. They match cards with paintings from the masters – Goya, Van Gogh, Renoir, Cassat, Picasso and more. They are offered paper, paints, easel and supplies so that they can independently explore, create, and express their ideas.  The children’s art is exhibited and parents are welcome to stop in and browse. 

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At American Montessori Prep we understand that introducing languages early benefits a child in a myriad of ways. We incorporate Spanish into our daily language through the use of songs, conversation, vocabulary and reading. The Kindergartener who is advanced in his reading is given the opportunity to learn to read in Spanish. It is amazing how skilled they become. Our goal is to offer French, Spanish and Chinese in our ‘After Care’ program as an option for parents.

Parents are able to drop off their children for our ‘Before Care’ program at 7:30 am. Children can choose an activity to begin their work day, or enjoy a breakfast snack from home. Our regular school program begins at 8:30 and ends at 3:00 pm. If your child participates in the ‘After Care’ program he will engage in STEM activities learning how to think like a scientist, enjoy outdoor recess with friends, eat a school provided snack and choose a fun activity until he is picked up.

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